VRT NWS (Eng) - "Ghent theatre offers tablet to make its… | NTGent

VRT NWS (Eng) - "Ghent theatre offers tablet to make its plays accessible to all"

| 9 juni 2022
"In an effort to make its repertoire accessible to all the Ghent (East Flanders) theatre NTGent is now offering visitors with a visual or auditive handicap and those with no or only limited Dutch the chance to lend a tablet that they can use to help them follow the performance that they have come to see. Via an app that can be personalised to suit a visitor’s specific needs subtitles, audio description or sign language can be provided."
Met gesloten ogen kan je zien wie je wil Tot het aan de binnenkant blijft plakken Alleen de mens kan fantaseren Alles zit nog vol met toekomst Voorbij de ­waanzin wacht de zachtheid