Uu.nl - "Fighting for Freedom and Justice in Europe – An… | NTGent

Uu.nl - "Fighting for Freedom and Justice in Europe – An Evening with Milo Rau" - (aankondiging)

| 16 juni 2022
"On 16 June 2022 the Focus Area Migration and Societal Change will host two events with director, writer and filmmaker Milo Rau. Milo Rau is artistic director of NTGent. He is well-known for combining art, literature and politics in his work and for addressing issues like forced migration, colonialism, and structural injustice."
Tot het aan de binnenkant blijft plakken Voorbij de ­waanzin wacht de zachtheid Alleen de mens kan fantaseren Met gesloten ogen kan je zien wie je wil Alles zit nog vol met toekomst