L'école de la nuit (FR): Milo Rau, Oreste à Mossoul ou la… | NTGent

L'école de la nuit (FR): Milo Rau, Oreste à Mossoul ou la confusion post-moderne

Orestes in Mosul | 16 januari 2020
"Another statement by Milo Rau: "A global economy also needs global artistic solidarity, however problematic and questionable this may be. "Here we are in the know. Capitalism and its wars are the fatal figure of destiny, Milo Rau the lady of works of this global predation, and his Orestes in Mosul a bandage or a diversion of no consequence in the endless war of Western and local powers for control of the area and control of oil. There is no mention, not even an allusion to it: Milo Rau simply sums up the situation in Mosul by saying: "This is the story of the impossibility of forgiveness."
Alles zit nog vol met toekomst Tot het aan de binnenkant blijft plakken Voorbij de ­waanzin wacht de zachtheid Alleen de mens kan fantaseren Met gesloten ogen kan je zien wie je wil