El País (ES): "Milo Rau, el dramaturgo que colecciona vetos… | NTGent

El País (ES): "Milo Rau, el dramaturgo que colecciona vetos y amenazas" (interview met Milo Rau over Orestes in Mosul)

Orestes in Mosul | 25 november 2019
"Children telling the story of a pedophile, refugees interpreting biblical characters or ISIS victims narrating their lives - things which can be seen in some of Milo Rau's works, for which he has received threats. This 42-year-old Swiss playwright, artistic director, essayist, teacher, journalist and filmmaker has been raising awareness at the world's most important festivals and stages since he founded his theatre company and film production company, the International Institute of Political Murder (IIPM) in 2007. In his plays, books and films, he reconstructs contemporary episodes such as the Iraq war, the Congo war, the Pussy Riot trial and the current refugee crisis. He takes his creative processes to the places of the events and brings to the stage, together with professional actors, people who give testimony in the first person."
Voorbij de ­waanzin wacht de zachtheid Tot het aan de binnenkant blijft plakken Met gesloten ogen kan je zien wie je wil Alles zit nog vol met toekomst Alleen de mens kan fantaseren