Workshops | NTGent


Do you want to learn everything about theatre and get your hands on it yourself?

Production Workshop

Feel like diving deeper into the background of the performance? While attending the rehearsal process, our theatre teachers put together a workshop, which is an ideal introduction for any interested party.

Basics workshop

In our 'Theatre acting' workshop, you will learn the basics of theatre craft
The workshop 'The World of Milo' confronts you as an actor with the way director Milo Rau makes theatre.


A workshop takes about two and a half hours and is aimed at groups of up to 25 participants. The workshop can be organised in NTGent or at a location convenient for you.

Apply for a workshop via

Price: €145 + 21% VAT (+ transport costs outside Ghent)


There's all that future, still Only humans can fantasise Until it holds from the inside With closed eyes, you can see whomever you’d like Beyond madness, tenderness awaits