School of resistance | NTGent
16.05.20 05.03.22

School of resistance NTGent, IIPM & Schauspiel Köln

So R Lnob Keulen
On the weekend of the federal elections in Germany, IIPM, NTGent, Schauspiel Köln and the School of Political Hope are organising a School of Resistance together with #Leavenoonebehind and numerous international organisations for a new politics of Humanity and Justice.

For years now, the situation at the external EU borders has been deteriorating. All means are used to prevent refugees from arriving in Europe, through the failure to provide assistance, through illegal Pushbacks and torture and violence. Those who manage to enter European soil are deprived of all their fundamental rights in inhumane camps or deliberately driven into illegality. But when injustice becomes right, resistance becomes a duty! On the weekend of the German federal elections the IIPM, the NTGent, the Schauspiel Köln and the School of Political Hope host  together with #LeaveNoOneBehind and numerous organizations from all over the world a School of Resistance for a new politics of humanity and justice.


FRIDAY 24/09

18.30 - 20.00: PANEL: Human and civil rights in the post-national age
20.00 - 21.00: SCHOOL OF RESISTANCE: Practices of Art and Law


18.30 - 20.00: PANEL: Human rights are #non-negotiable
20.00 - 22.00: FILM: The New Gospel

PANEL: Human and civil rights in the post-national age
Fri 24/09 from 18.30 - 20.00

On the basis of the catastrophic situation at the European external borders human rights lawyer Wolfgang Kaleck together with the cultural scientist Mithu Sanyal, the writer Navid Kermani and the activist Anbid Zaman examine the transformative potential of human rights as a response to the migration movements of the 21st century. How do we protect existing law and test new forms of equality for all?

SCHOOL OF RESISTANCE: Practices of Art and Law
Fri 24/09 from 20.00 - 21.00

Afterwards, the Schauspiel Cologne transforms into the global broadcasting studio of the "School of Resistance". Art activist Milo Rau and human rights activist Omer Shatz debate with the Congolese lawyer Céline Tshizena (The Congo Tribunal), the activist Mourad El-Keddani, representative of the Belgian Sans-Papiers and the activist Parwana Amiri (Lesbos) the situation of refugees at the European external borders and the future of a politics of justice at the intersection of art, justice and activism.

PANEL: Human rights are #non-negotiable
Sat 25/09 from 18.30 - 20.00

Activism, Solidarity, and Justice will highlight on September 25th , the evening before the Bundestag elections, the responsibility of German politics in the crimes of the European border regime. 
What are the possibilities to actively take action against it? The activist and politician Tareq Alaows, the migration expert Maximilian Pichl, the lawyer Corinna Ujkašević and the sea rescue worker Mattea Weihe discuss the demands of migration policy initiatives and compare them with their own work. What can a civil society in solidarity do and which strategies of  mobilization are effective?


In addition to the panels, there will be a workshop program with the School of Political Hope and numerous local and international migration activists on the question of “How to Resist”. How  can we build social movements and civil disobedience, how to use the means of law and art, how to defend the rights of women and the LGBTQIA* community? How can we locally and  transnationally organize (migrant) communities?

ASSEMBLY OF SOLIDARITY - Memorial Keupstrasse, Köln
Sat 25/09 at 16.00

In the Assembly of Solidarity at the Keupstraße Memorial all these struggles come together – to a diverse voice of resistance!

FILM: The New Gospel
Sat 25/09 from 20.15

Finally, “The New Gospel”, within which 40 Italian and international organizations joined together to form the “Rivolta della Dignità” for the regularization of refugees, will be shown for the first time in Cologne followed by a talk with the activist and Jesus actor Yvan Sagnet, pastor Hans Mörtter and director Milo Rau.



Akademie der Künste Berlin, NTGent, The International Institute of Political Murder (IIPM), Gefördert im Fonds Doppelpass der Kulturstiftung des Bundes, Medico International en Merve Verlag, Wiener Festwochen


Akademie der Künste Berlin, NTGent, The International Institute of Political Murder (IIPM), Gefördert im Fonds Doppelpass der Kulturstiftung des Bundes, Medico International en Merve Verlag, Wiener Festwochen
Beyond madness, tenderness awaits Only humans can fantasise There's all that future, still With closed eyes, you can see whomever you’d like Until it holds from the inside