As a Mother, ... | NTGent
05.04.25 05.04.25

As a Mother, ... Kaaitheater & NTGent

IMG 20230430 161946 801 bijgesneden Barbara Raes
A two-part programme of performances, encounters, rituals and conversations that make us reflect on images, ideas and ideals around motherhood. (previously known as 'As a mother...')

general info

✔ Dutch & English spoken

Which images, ideas and ideals exist about motherhood?
What do mothers (not) pass on?
Who can be a mother?
and… How To Be Many Mothers?

Poet and feminist Adrienne Rich reaches out to us in her book: On Women Born  (1976), with the concepts of motherhood and mothering, distinguishing between the institution of ‘motherhood’, which is largely defined by patriarchal systems, and the verb ‘mothering’, which focuses on the practice of caring itself. The pair of concepts helps us reflect on images, ideas and ideals around motherhood.

As a Mother, ...  is a two-part programme with performances, encounters, rituals and conversations, curated by Kaaitheater and NTGent. Together we present the performance When the Bleeding Stops, and on 5 April we are happy to invite you to ‘une journee composée’, a day of meetings, conversations, rituals around the central question: ‘How to Be Many Mothers?’. We will announce the full programme in January 2025, but we are already giving away that Stille Tafel — A Ritual for the Unborn by Barbara Raes & Beyond the Spoken will be experienced in Ghent for the first time in this contex

The title As a Mother, ...  was inspired by an op-ed piece in the British newspaper Independant. In it, an unwanted childless columnist points to these three little words, behind which there is a world of prejudice, idealisation, standards and universality. Three little words often used to exclude people who are not biological mothers from all kinds of valued qualities such as empathy.


general info

✔ Dutch & English spoken


Saturday 05 April 2025

All events on this website are organised by Tickets Gent.

There's all that future, still Until it holds from the inside With closed eyes, you can see whomever you’d like Only humans can fantasise Beyond madness, tenderness awaits