Melanie De Biasio | NTGent
04.03.24 05.03.24

Melanie De Biasio Democrazy

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Melanie De Biasio, with her fourth album 'Il Viaggio', pays tribute to her roots: a universe of silence built out of 'textures', time that leaves behind all the hecticness of our times.

Inspired by her grandparents' migration route from Italy to Belgium, musician Melanie De Biasio travelled to a small Italian village in the mountains in search of her roots. With lightweight recording equipment and an old camera, she headed into nature for hours of walks on which she recorded 'textures': the blowing of the wind, the babbling of brooks, birdsong, barking, church bells and testimonies of chance encounters.

Once back in Belgium, she and faithful musical companion Pascal Paulus forged these elements into Il Viaggio (October 2023) her fourth album and thoughtful masterpiece consisting of two parts: Lay Your Ear To The Rail and The Chaos Azure.

On Il Viaggio, we hear the extraordinary artist that is De Biasio: her unique phrasing; her dark yet sultry and warm voice; and her ability to create a universe of silence and time that leaves behind all the hecticness of our times.

With closed eyes, you can see whomever you’d like Only humans can fantasise Beyond madness, tenderness awaits There's all that future, still Until it holds from the inside