Grief & Beauty | NTGent
28.10.22 29.10.22

Grief & Beauty Milo Rau / NTGent

Img 6553 Druk C Michiel Devijver Michiel Devijver
How do we face death in life and at its end? How can we grief and farewell? Can death be represented on stage? With ‘Grief & Beauty’, artistic director Milo Rau presents the second part of his new Trilogy of Private Life.


15 - 28 euros

general info

✔ DUTCH + ENG spoken
✔ DUTCH + ENG surtitles
✔ Thanks to our Theatre Tablet you can also enjoy:
ICON_tablet_Tekengebied-1-kopie_40px-1.jpg#asset:12712125Surtitling in Dutch+
ICON_tablet_Tekengebied-1-kopie-3_40px-1.jpg#asset:12712131Flemish Sign Language
ICON_tablet_Tekengebied-1-kopie-2_40px-2.jpg#asset:12712128Audiodescription (Dutch)

The performance contains sensible scenes. Together with Johanna we decided to film her death. Her wish was to speak openly about it. Because it is the loneliest work, she said.

In Grief & Beauty, a play that premiered in 2021 with great succes, Milo Rau and his team are tackling a theme that has been at the heart of Rau’s work for many years: the question of farewell, grieving and death, but also of memory and solidarity in the face of the final moments. Four actresses and actors accompany a woman who decides to proceed euthanasia, and share their personal stories about farewell and rebirth, art and love, memory and forgetting. A radical and tender production that goes to the limits of what can be represented on stage.

(read more below the quote)

"A universal tale of life and death, and how the one springs naturally from the other"
Hein Janssen - Volkskrant *****

In the first part of ‘The Trilogy of Private Life’ – Family  (2020) - Milo Rau used the collective suicide of a family to show Western society on the brink. Apart from the terrible ending there is nothing on stage but an ordinary evening: a study of small things, the beauty and banality of the daily life.

With Grief & Beauty, Milo Rau continues his study of the private: We look into a normal apartment, an experimental room in which the actresses and actors approach the most incomprehensible of every life, the end, and the limits of the representation of death, grief and beauty.



Milo Rau & ensemble


Milo Rau


Carmen Hornbostel

internship dramaturgy

Ezra Koppejan

set & costume design

Barbara Vandendriessche

trainee set- and costume design

Geertrui Schuurmans

composition & sound design

Elia Rediger

light design

Dennis Diels

camera & video design

Moritz von Dungern

acting coach & dramaturgical collaborator

Peter Seynaeve

live music

Clémence Clarysse

direction assistant

Katelijne Laevens

internship direction assistant

Julien Coene

production management

Greet Prové

tour manager

Klaas Lievens

technical production management

Oliver Houttekiet

stage management & camera

Marijn Vlaeminck

sound technique

Bart Meeusen (creation & on tour), Frederik Vanslembrouck (on tour)

light technique

Geert De Rodder (creation & on tour)

video technique

Stijn Pauwels (creation), Predrag 'Momo' Momcilovic


Ezra Koppejan (creation), Katelijne Laevens (on tour)

set en costumes realisation

Ateliers NTGent




Tandem Scène Nationale (Arras-Douai), Künstlerhaus Mousonturm (Frankfurt), Romaeuropa Festival, Teatro Nazionale di Genova

thanks to

The family and friends of Johanna B., Dr. Marc Cosyns, expert in end-of-life care -, all contacts with Johanna were done in dialogue with him, Koen Verhofstadt, CRA of Domino and doctor at Vonkel asbl, Inneke Wellens, coordinator of palliative care at Domino, We thank all people who have shared their stories about, Grief and Beauty and their expertise with us:, Sabine Boerjan & Christian Verelst (Paradox), Sam Bogaerts, Kurt Defrancq, Katrien Demeyer, Daniël De Baeck, Viviane De Muynck, Gloria Dewulf, Barbara Drieghe, Ina Geerts, Paul Goosens, Elisabeth Ida, Prof. Dr. Mark Janse (UGent), Lilian Keersmaekers, Johan Leysen, Chris Lomme, Jef Pelgrims & Jan Barbe (Alzheimer Liga), Noami Terriere & Pepijn T'Hooft (WWF), Hilde Uitterlinden & Charles Cornette, Linda Vandeveire, Prof. Dr. Simon Van Belle, Elisabeth Van Dam, Els Van de Wauwe, Jan Van Gils, Roel & Inge Van Roosbroeck (Gemoedrust), Loes Vereycken


Milo Rau & ensemble


Milo Rau


Carmen Hornbostel

internship dramaturgy

Ezra Koppejan

set & costume design

Barbara Vandendriessche

trainee set- and costume design

Geertrui Schuurmans

composition & sound design

Elia Rediger

light design

Dennis Diels

camera & video design

Moritz von Dungern

acting coach & dramaturgical collaborator

Peter Seynaeve

live music

Clémence Clarysse

direction assistant

Katelijne Laevens

internship direction assistant

Julien Coene

production management

Greet Prové

tour manager

Klaas Lievens

technical production management

Oliver Houttekiet

stage management & camera

Marijn Vlaeminck

sound technique

Bart Meeusen (creation & on tour), Frederik Vanslembrouck (on tour)

light technique

Geert De Rodder (creation & on tour)

video technique

Stijn Pauwels (creation), Predrag 'Momo' Momcilovic


Ezra Koppejan (creation), Katelijne Laevens (on tour)

set en costumes realisation

Ateliers NTGent




Tandem Scène Nationale (Arras-Douai), Künstlerhaus Mousonturm (Frankfurt), Romaeuropa Festival, Teatro Nazionale di Genova

thanks to

The family and friends of Johanna B., Dr. Marc Cosyns, expert in end-of-life care -, all contacts with Johanna were done in dialogue with him, Koen Verhofstadt, CRA of Domino and doctor at Vonkel asbl, Inneke Wellens, coordinator of palliative care at Domino, We thank all people who have shared their stories about, Grief and Beauty and their expertise with us:, Sabine Boerjan & Christian Verelst (Paradox), Sam Bogaerts, Kurt Defrancq, Katrien Demeyer, Daniël De Baeck, Viviane De Muynck, Gloria Dewulf, Barbara Drieghe, Ina Geerts, Paul Goosens, Elisabeth Ida, Prof. Dr. Mark Janse (UGent), Lilian Keersmaekers, Johan Leysen, Chris Lomme, Jef Pelgrims & Jan Barbe (Alzheimer Liga), Noami Terriere & Pepijn T'Hooft (WWF), Hilde Uitterlinden & Charles Cornette, Linda Vandeveire, Prof. Dr. Simon Van Belle, Elisabeth Van Dam, Els Van de Wauwe, Jan Van Gils, Roel & Inge Van Roosbroeck (Gemoedrust), Loes Vereycken


15 - 28 euros

general info

✔ DUTCH + ENG spoken
✔ DUTCH + ENG surtitles
✔ Thanks to our Theatre Tablet you can also enjoy:
ICON_tablet_Tekengebied-1-kopie_40px-1.jpg#asset:12712125Surtitling in Dutch+
ICON_tablet_Tekengebied-1-kopie-3_40px-1.jpg#asset:12712131Flemish Sign Language
ICON_tablet_Tekengebied-1-kopie-2_40px-2.jpg#asset:12712128Audiodescription (Dutch)

The performance contains sensible scenes. Together with Johanna we decided to film her death. Her wish was to speak openly about it. Because it is the loneliest work, she said.

Beyond madness, tenderness awaits With closed eyes, you can see whomever you’d like There's all that future, still Until it holds from the inside Only humans can fantasise