Gij zijt het | NTGent
15.11.21 15.11.28

Gij zijt het Jozefien Mombaerts & Johan Heldenbergh


Promobeeld Gij Zijt Het 2 C Koen Bauters Humo Hr Senne Van der Ven & Eefje De Coninck
In 'GIJ ZIJT HET', two people have a philosophical, political conversation about loving in, what science press calls, "the loneliest century". They wonder aloud whether we are not unlearning to lovingly connect with each other.


15 - 28 euros

general info

DUTCH spoken

estimated duration


Lonely people simply consume more and better. What is the alternative to ‘Tinder’ and ‘Married at first sight’? At the same time, the performance is a physical attempt to show, painfully generous, an unconscious, passionate vulnerability.

GIJ ZIJT HET  is a plea for irrational love, for boundless loving as opposed to the efficient search for the most effective relationship. Are we guided in our loving by the society we live in? How culturally determined is love? Do we need to learn to love again? 

"Would you love more and suffer more, or love less and suffer less? That, I think, is ultimately the only question"

In her work, Jozefien Mombaerts tries to uncover human vulnerabilities. Theatre as a medium that explores, questions, comforts, and connects. Her debut performance Een Pleidooi voor Zelfmoord , created and produced by the Kopergietery in Ghent in cooperation with De Grote Post in Ostend, was a vulnerable monologue that tackles the taboo surrounding suicide and received beautiful reactions from press and audience. With GIJ ZIJT HET, Jozefien is ready for her second professional production and asked her love partner Johan Heldenbergh (Massis the Musical, The Broken Circle Breakdown, MARX,... ) to stand next to her on stage and collaborate on the (text) material.


thanks to

De Grote Post, Theater Zuidpool, De Auteurs, Yves Degryse & Barbara Raes, Bert & Carine, Karlo & Els, Tine

technical internship

Bert Toulet

Maaike Buys, Kaat Flamey, NTGent

light design

Gilles Polak


Ilse Philips

light & sound

Diederick De Cock


Joeri Cnaepelinckx

text & performance

Jozefien Mombaerts, Johan Heldenbergh


Jozefien Mombaerts

thanks to

De Grote Post, Theater Zuidpool, De Auteurs, Yves Degryse & Barbara Raes, Bert & Carine, Karlo & Els, Tine

technical internship

Bert Toulet

Maaike Buys, Kaat Flamey, NTGent

light design

Gilles Polak


Ilse Philips

light & sound

Diederick De Cock


Joeri Cnaepelinckx

text & performance

Jozefien Mombaerts, Johan Heldenbergh


Jozefien Mombaerts
There's all that future, still Beyond madness, tenderness awaits Until it holds from the inside With closed eyes, you can see whomever you’d like Only humans can fantasise