Which 2020s do we want? | NTGent
02.10.21 02.10.21

Which 2020s do we want? Etcetera & NTGent

3 Michiel Devijver
A debate on the future of the performing arts. A people's assembly about the future of us all. A live panel discussion with experts looking for alternative models of living and working. And in between, yoga, music (and food of course). Etcetera and NTGent welcome you.

This autumn, Etcetera, the magazine for the performing arts, and NTGent city theatre are starting a new trajectory. Four times a year we will organise an open editorial on the stage of one of our theatres.

For the first edition on 2 October, we are asking ourselves the question: "Which 20s do we want?" The reason is the predictions that after the pandemic we will have a period of cultural revival and economic growth, comparable to the so-called roaring twenties in the last century. But rather than waiting to see if this comparison is correct, we want to imagine this crucial decade together.

How do we turn around the international malaise in terms of ecology and inequality, and the runaway consumer economy? The performing arts, for their part, are facing a new structural subsidy round. This brings us to the question: how do we want to shape the coming years?

Check out the well-filled programme below!


  • 11u - Free yoga for all! (by Caroline D'Haese)

We kick off the day with a free yoga class. Don't forget to wear something sporty. Yoga mats and changing rooms, we will take care of that. 

  • 12u - Picnic (on stage)

Time for a cosy chat about the theatre season with old acqaintances or new faces. In Belgian weather on the theatre stage and in good weather outside by the water. Bring your own gluten-free sandwich with brawn and Tierenteyn mustard.

  • 13u30 - "Which performing arts do we want in the 2020s?" - Group debate (NL & ENG) hosted by Wouter Hillaert & Philippine Hoegen (State of the Arts)

Theatre lovers, theatre directors, actors and drama students of all countries unite! Welcome to a big speed date and round of discussions about our shared passion: the performing arts. The Flemish arts scene is facing a new structural subsidy round. That is why it is high time to think about which cultural institutions we actually need, how theatre can relate to the roughening political climate, or to the climate in general. Ideas and recommendations are published afterwards in Etcetera. Concrete plans are worked out in small groups, crucial telephone numbers are exchanged to realise the plans.

  • 16u - "123 Piano!" - Mobile concert by Sioen

Sioen, coordinator of the Ghent Kunstenoverleg but above all a true artist and a favourite of the Ghent public, takes place at a mobile piano. We leave together outside Minnemeers and head for Baudelopark.

  • 17u - "School of Resistance: Which 20s do we want?" - Live panel discussion (NL) in cooperation with Oikos

After twenty online episodes, the NTGent debate series School of Resistance now lands in the theatre. The content remains the same: we invite change experts to exchange experiences and ideas, with a sustainable future in different domains in mind. What future do we want for our city, our region, our country, our planet? Cultural, but also social and political? Will we indeed enter a period of cultural and economic growth after the pandemic? We put the question to our panel and together we formulate alternatives. Moderator is Eline Banken, dramaturge at NTGent.

Panel members are: 

- Irma Emmery, researcher at the Centre for Sustainable Development
- Marie-Monique Franssen, co-author of Voor wie willen zorgen?, a book on ecofeminism published by EPO
- Sibo Kanobana, author and sociolinguist at UGent
- Koen Schoors, Professor of Economics at UGent.

  • 18u30 - DIY Diner Deluxe!

Surplus food is used to prepare a more than tasty dinner. Korean/Mexican fusion street food (vegan, gluten- & lactose-free): yellow corn tortillas with aubergine, pickled red cabbage, leeks, gochujang salsa,... Fill your own tortilla and enjoy!

  • 20u - Welcome to the Great Ghent People's Assembly (NL & ENG)

Hosted by Sébastien Hendrickx (Etcetera, Het Burgerparlement) & Joachim Robbrecht (Etcetera). Accompanied by a dozen facilitators (with thanks to Extinction Rebellion Ghent and Victoria Deluxe).

Time for Ambitious Talks on Too Big to Fail! How can we together imagine a greener future where no one is left out? How do we actually want to 'green up'? Should we focus on technological innovation or on economic shrinkage? What types of labour do we need? How can we, as citizens, have more impact? Can 'greening' also lead to more social equality? Facilitators ensure that everyone is heard: both the silent and the loud speakers, the young and the old, the practically and theoretically trained. The proposals and ideas are then published in an open letter to the Ghent city council.

  • 22u - Musical closing by DJ Iris (café Blond)

DJ Iris will be there from 1.30pm. In the evening the floor is all hers, and yours of course.

Only humans can fantasise There's all that future, still With closed eyes, you can see whomever you’d like Until it holds from the inside Beyond madness, tenderness awaits