Vlamingo & Cage Free | NTGent
01.01.23 31.12.23

Vlamingo & Cage Free Nela Deleu / Işil Biçakçi


Isil Bicakci Cage Free Victoriano Moreno Mestizo Arts Platform Wipcoop Hr9 Victoriano Moreno
This season Mestizo Arts Platform, an organisation that provides young diverse creators with a platform, is bringing two performances to NTGent.


12 euros

general info



VLAMINGO  is an intimate, autobiographical solo. Through a personal and recognisable love story, Nela Deleu outlines the road she travelled to become a 'Fleming'. With a good dose of humour, she reflects on the importance of Dutch and general language development. From her own experiences, Deleu searches for a universal understanding of integration, assimilation, adaptation and appreciation. The audience is taken along in that search for the different ways to better understand and bridge cultural and other mentality differences.

Nela Deleu (°1980) is an actress, teacher and singer from the city Sarajevo, in Bosnia and Herzegovina, where she is well known. Falling in love with a Bruges native, she moved to Belgium in 2016. She teaches in the part-time art education, supervises theatre and music workshops at vzw Crea Thera and is a volunteer interpreter in the education for parents with a migration background. With VLAMINGO , she is once again finding her way to the stage. She does so with verve, a unique look and an engaging stage presence.

“In Bosnia, I was the Bosnian sweetheart, 'our' actress. Here? To be continued... ”
Nela Deleu


This is not a vegetarian manifesto, neither is Işıl Bıçakçı advocating the consumption of poultry. Drawing inspiration from the life of a chicken, she finds some striking similarities between humanity and its feathered friends. As the performance progresses, she brings various questions to the minds in a light-hearted way.

Işıl Bıçakçı (°1986, İstanbul) graduated from Computer Sciences and realized coding was not the profession she truly aimed for, her interests started to shift towards the performing arts therefore she studied Contemporary Dance at the Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University State Conservatory and had acting training in Theatre Academy in İstanbul. During the last year of her dance study, Işıl did her internship with Ann Van den Broek in Belgium. After her graduation she joined İstanbul State Opera and Ballet-Modern Dance Ensemble (MDTİst). She moved to Belgium in 2021 where she continues her career as a freelancer choreographer, performer and instructor.

“It's just a period. Don't take it personal. Don't protest. Keep it up. Perform. Produce. Provide... Proceed.”

special thanks to

Tine De Pourcq, Mileen Borgonjon, Yilmaz Koçak, Johan Van Acker

with the collaboration and supports of

Mestizo Arts Plaform/WIPCOOP


Cajmere - Percolator Reworked’10

concept, choreography, with & text

Işıl Bıçakçı

part ii


thanks to

MO* Magazine-redactie, Yilmaz Koçak, Johan van Acker (De Centrale)

with support of

KAAP, Stad Gent, Mestizo Arts Plaform/WIPCOOP, NTGent, VIERNULVIER, Wisper, De Vieze Gasten, De Centrale

coaching, production & technique

Nele Vereecken

performance & singing

Nela Deleu

concept & text

Nela Deleu

part i


special thanks to

Tine De Pourcq, Mileen Borgonjon, Yilmaz Koçak, Johan Van Acker

with the collaboration and supports of

Mestizo Arts Plaform/WIPCOOP


Cajmere - Percolator Reworked’10

concept, choreography, with & text

Işıl Bıçakçı

part ii


thanks to

MO* Magazine-redactie, Yilmaz Koçak, Johan van Acker (De Centrale)

with support of

KAAP, Stad Gent, Mestizo Arts Plaform/WIPCOOP, NTGent, VIERNULVIER, Wisper , De Vieze Gasten, De Centrale

coaching, production & technique

Nele Vereecken

performance & singing

Nela Deleu

concept & text

Nela Deleu

part i



12 euros

general info


With closed eyes, you can see whomever you’d like Beyond madness, tenderness awaits Only humans can fantasise There's all that future, still Until it holds from the inside