Verbrecher Verlag (DE): The Art of Resistance: on theatre,… | NTGent

Verbrecher Verlag (DE): The Art of Resistance: on theatre, activism and solidarity (Golden Book IIII geschreven door Milo Rau, Stefan Bläske, Luanda Casella, Lara Staal, e.d.)

Golden Books III - Orestes in Mosul | 23 January 2020
"The Golden Books are a joint project by NTGent and the Berlin publisher Verbrecher Verlag. It is a series comprising programme articles on theatre, aesthetics and politics as well as background pieces on projects by NTGent. A series on both the theory and the practice of an engaged theatre of the future.The Art of Resistance is the fourth volume in this series. It gathers speeches, essays, interviews and manifestos, written and performed by artists, activists, journalists and lawyers. How can we practice solidarity? Fight an unjust systemof imperialism and neoliberal capitalism? Give a voice to the unheard?"
Until it holds from the inside Only humans can fantasise With closed eyes, you can see whomever you’d like There's all that future, still Beyond madness, tenderness awaits