The New York Times - 'Yellow’ Is a Play That Looks Great on… | NTGent

The New York Times - 'Yellow’ Is a Play That Looks Great on Film. What Will It Be Like Onstage? - (review)

YELLOW - The sorrows of Belgium II: REX (online) | Yellow - A Journey into Europe's Heart of Darkness: Rex | Red - A Journey into Europe's Heart of Darkness: Holy war | 18 March 2021
"The cast is faultless: Lien Wildemeersch (as Mie) and Peter Seynaeve (who plays the father), especially, hold one’s attention in every scene. Under the circumstances, 'Yellow' is a stunning achievement; I’d like to see how live performance recalibrates the audience’s perception of it."
There's all that future, still With closed eyes, you can see whomever you’d like Beyond madness, tenderness awaits Until it holds from the inside Only humans can fantasise