Tages Anzeiger (DE): Die grössten Theaterleute des 21.… | NTGent

Tages Anzeiger (DE): Die grössten Theaterleute des 21. Jahrhunderts (Milo Rau op nr. 5 van "meest belangrijke theater artiesten van de 21e eeuw" - volgens Tages Anzeiger)

Milo Rau | 29 November 2019
"Milo is getting mobile: Seriously, one of his principles as director of NTGent is to regularly develop a play in a crisis area without a comfortable cultural infrastructure. Since 2005, the award-winning Swiss think-dramatist has been beating our lukewarmness and the suffering of other people in the most radical doctoral theatre formats. He recreated "The Last Days of the Ceausescus" in Bucharest, had "Breivik's Declaration" performed, confronted us with Dutroux's crimes, with our failure in the face of the massacres in the Congo ("Compassion. The History of the Machine Gun") and with the homelessness on our own torn continent ("The Europe Trilogy"). An artist of superlatives."
Only humans can fantasise Beyond madness, tenderness awaits With closed eyes, you can see whomever you’d like There's all that future, still Until it holds from the inside