See Stage (UK) - "Goran Injac, artistic director of… | NTGent

See Stage (UK) - "Goran Injac, artistic director of Mladinsko Theatre, talks to Nick Awde about making socio-politically engaged theatre" (vermelding NTGent)

Milo Rau | 12 November 2023
"Over in Belgium, NTGent has thrived on the stage director model. Milo Rau created a manifesto that tackles issues both in Belgium and beyond its borders. He has made connecting artistically with world events into a political choice, fusing these two sides in his shows and also allowing his personal style to react to and be moulded by the community. In NTGent’s case, it was the municipality that decided to reinvent their city’s approach to art and their invitation to Rau was to create a living consultation that asks what should a public theatre be and what should it do?"
With closed eyes, you can see whomever you’d like There's all that future, still Until it holds from the inside Only humans can fantasise Beyond madness, tenderness awaits