Hamburger Abendblatt (DE): Provozieren Sie gern, Milo Rau?… | NTGent

Hamburger Abendblatt (DE): Provozieren Sie gern, Milo Rau? (interview n.a.v. "Orestes in Mosul")

Orestes in Mosul | 21 January 2020
"The Swiss director and author Milo Rau is considered one of the most important, but also one of the most controversial theatre makers of the present day. On stage, he tackles the issues that hurt. From the genocide in Rwanda in his production "Hate Radio" to the serial killer Marc Dutroux in the play "FiveEasyPieces", he frequently works in crisis regions. Rau has established a "global folk theatre" at NTGent in Belgium, which he has been directing since the 2018/2019 season. For his production "Orest in Mossul," which is being staged at the Thalia Theater on the occasion of this year's festival "Um alles in der Welt -Lessingtage 2020," he and his team traveled to Iraq."
Beyond madness, tenderness awaits Only humans can fantasise With closed eyes, you can see whomever you’d like There's all that future, still Until it holds from the inside