Filmmaker (USA) - "Negen films om zeker te zien op DOC NYC"… | NTGent

Filmmaker (USA) - "Negen films om zeker te zien op DOC NYC" - (aankondiging 'The New Gospel' in New York)

The New Gospel | 12 November 2021
"A Venice world premiere, 'The New Gospel' is the latest work of “utopian documentarism” from Swiss director/writer/critic/lecturer Milo Rau (...) With The New Gospel, the multimedia artist tackles Italy’s ongoing migrant crisis through a most unusual form — by creating a contemporary Jesus film in Matera, the setting of both Mel Gibson’s The Passion of the Christ, and before that Pasolini’s canonical The Gospel According to St. Matthew."
Until it holds from the inside There's all that future, still Beyond madness, tenderness awaits With closed eyes, you can see whomever you’d like Only humans can fantasise