Everything Theatre (UK) - '"A unique, moving and thoroughly… | NTGent

Everything Theatre (UK) - '"A unique, moving and thoroughly un-British show"' (Ontroerend Goed / recensie****)

Ontroerend Goed | 16 August 2023
'You may have seen the hype about Funeral already and wondered how a show about rituals and mourning could be so popular or even appropriate at a normally uplifting arts festival. ' [...] 'This is a very interactive performance, and it’s first thing in the morning, so not one to attend tired or hungover – you need all your faculties to really engage with Funeral and all its stages. The show actually begins in the doorway of the venue, where everyone learns a traditional song, which Google Translate tells me is sung in Esperanto; we then process up the stairs and, if we choose, share the name of someone who has died.' [...] 'A unique, moving and thoroughly un-British show exploring our relationship with death.'
Only humans can fantasise There's all that future, still Until it holds from the inside With closed eyes, you can see whomever you’d like Beyond madness, tenderness awaits