Gift or use a deferred ticket | NTGent
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Gift or use a deferred ticket

| 15 September 2022

Do you feel lonely? Do you have day-to-day worries? Are you learning to speak Dutch? Are you struggling financially? ...

The initiatieve 'Hartelijke Plekken' in Ghent makes you feel extra welcome. Because there, citizens with a little more treat someone with a little less. You are also very welcome here in NTGent.

Applaus! is the culture programme of Hartelijke Plekken. 13 cultural houses in Ghent take part in it. Someone with a bit more treats a culture ticket to someone with a bit less. Because everyone has the right to enjoy culture.


With your donation, someone with a little less can also enjoy a performance/concert/tour at NTGent. Mail your donation to:

✅ You choose how much you donate/a deferred ticket costs/ ...

✅ Hartelijke Plekken makes the offer known to citizens in need. This is done through ambassadors, social partners, social media ...


Book your deferred ticket via Tickets Gent, our ticket office.

✅ You don't have to prove anything

✅ Would you like extra guidance or help (e.g. logo wheelchair)? Be sure to say so when booking.

✅ With the ticket, you get a voucher/jeton to have a drink at the bar OR the ticket includes a drink. Then ask for a deferred drink at the bar.

✅ Prefer not to go alone? There is always a volunteer on hand who is happy to go with you. Our volunteer will wait for you at the counter, wearing a white bag with the Enchanté logo on it.

With closed eyes, you can see whomever you’d like Beyond madness, tenderness awaits There's all that future, still Only humans can fantasise Until it holds from the inside