Valéry Warnotte | NTGent

Valéry Warnotte (°1977, Belgium) is an actor and director. He studied art history at the Catholic University of Leuven. Later he studied theatre at Ecole Florent in Paris.

Warnotte has his own theatre company, L'Intervention, where he gave a stage to Claudel, Genet, Feydeau, Jarry with Ubu Roi and Marcel Schwob. He has also performed plays written by contemporary French writers such as Valère Novarina, Régis Jauffret and Pierre Notte.

In the United States Warnotte is active in universities and theatre companies. For the award-winning theatre company Trap Door Theatre in Chicago, the director made several performances. Me Too I'm Catherine Deneuve and Regarding The Just by Albert Camus were made in the US and went on tour in France. In New York and Paris he made Words to Animals, an Arabic and English adaptation of Novarina's famous work.

Warnotte is a member of the theatre collective DEREZO. The collective challenges the viewer to think critically and sees theatre as a means to make a political difference. Warnotte directed for DEREZO Microfictions and Les Habitants, a play in which many actors and citizens were involved. He was an actor in La Tempête, La Plus Petite Fête Foraine du Monde and Alice de L'Autre Côté.

Since 2020, he is resident artist in Le Manège in Maubeuge where he creates with Amandine Pudlo the performance Petit Boeuf-Passion,  as well as other adventures with the inhabitants of the French city.

Since the 2020-2021 season, Warnotte is a member of the cast of the NTGent-production Yellow - The Sorrows of Belgium II: REX, the second part of Luk Perceval's trilogy about the darkest pages of Belgium's history. Warnotte also acts in the third part of the trilogy, Red - The Sorrows of Belgium III: Holy War, which will premiere in April 2022.

- last update April 2022

Valéry Warnotte

There's all that future, still Until it holds from the inside With closed eyes, you can see whomever you’d like Beyond madness, tenderness awaits Only humans can fantasise