Ikondongo Mukoko (†) | NTGent
Rodolphe Ikondongo Hdtii

Rodolph Ikondongo Mukoko (deceased in 2020) became a member of the Oyingi group in the Idiofa region of Congo and joined the National Ballet in 1974. He has performed in various pieces by the Dutch National Ballet, such as: The epic by Lianja (1975), The smith's daughter (1976), Nkenge (1980), Elima Ngando (1983), Rhythms and dances of Congo (1986), Kayiba (2008), Going up the Congo River (2003 & 2015).

With the Ballet he also tours in Congo, on the rest of the African continent (Nigeria, Morocco, Burundi, Egypt, Senegal, Rwanda, Kenya, Libya)....) but also in the United States, Russia, Japan, Israel and Europe (France, Portugal, Austria...).

In December 2018, he joined Kabako Studios for the creation of Histoire(s) du Théâtre II. A show that will start taking place in NTGent in March 2020.

- update December 2019

Ikondongo Mukoko (†)

With closed eyes, you can see whomever you’d like There's all that future, still Beyond madness, tenderness awaits Until it holds from the inside Only humans can fantasise