Ogutu Muraya | NTGent
Ogutu Muraya

Ogutu Muraya is a writer and theatre maker. He lives and works in Nairobi, Kenya. His performance Fractured Memory was enthusiastically received all around. In his work he searches new forms of storytelling. The socio-political aspect merges with the belief that art is an important catalyst for questioning our certainties and that it should provide a place for stories that have not been told or that are told incorrectly. He has performed at La Mama (NYC), The Hay Festival (Wales), HIFA (Harare), NuVo Arts Festival (Kampala), Spoken Wor:l:ds (Berlin), Globe to Globe Festival (London), Ranga Shankara (Bangalore), Afrovibes Festival (Amsterdam), Art in resistance: Spielart (Munich), SICK Festival (Manchester) & within East Africa, among others.

Ogutu Muraya


Beyond madness, tenderness awaits Only humans can fantasise Until it holds from the inside With closed eyes, you can see whomever you’d like There's all that future, still