Louise Bergez | NTGent
Img 4591 Druk C Michiel Devijver

Louise Bergez studied drama at the Kask Gent. She played in several theatre productions, including with Hannah De Meyer (Uberdramatik), Jesse Vandamme (Uberdramatik, Giants, Solipsists), Michiel Vandevelde/fABULEUS, Camping Sunset (Zomergasten, Ten Oorlog), Lisaboa Houbrechts/Toneelhuis, Het uur van de waarheid/Luk Perceval and NTGent. For her portrayal in Bruegel of Lisaboa Houbrechts, she was nominated for the Actors Guild Theatre Awards (2020) in the category 'most valued performance woman'. Besides the stage, she is also active in film and TV. She could be seen in the film Yummy, the youth series WTFock, TikTak, De Kraak (Frank Van Mechelen and Joost Wynanyts). In the spring of 2022, she starred in the TV series Twee Zomers by Tom Lenaerts and Paul Baeten at Éen.

- last update May 2022

Louise Bergez


  • 202201 Solipsists Socials V1 850X350 A

    Solipsists Louise Bergez, Joeri Happel, Lucas Van der Vegt & Jesse Vandamme/GIF

Beyond madness, tenderness awaits Until it holds from the inside With closed eyes, you can see whomever you’d like There's all that future, still Only humans can fantasise