Lien Wildemeersch | NTGent
Lien Wildemeersch Web

Lien Wildemeersch, born 1983 in Ypres, first studied Germanic languages and in addition obtained a certificate in philosophy and a teacher's training degree. Afterwards, she studied drama at the Ghent Conservatory (now KASK), where she graduated with great distinction. Her graduation performance Manson/Mensen was selected for the ITS Festival in Amsterdam and for her interpretation she received the Kemn-A-ward for promising acting talent.

After graduating she immediately joined NTGent. She performed in Kasimir and Karoline, Underground, Aïda, Opening night, Ginds tussen de netels (Over there, between the nettles), Candide, Kinderen van de zon (Children of the sun), De bittere tranen van Petra von Kant (The bitter tears of Petra von Kant), Kleine Eyolf (Little Eyolf), Platonov, Parsifal, Hotel Malaria, Elektra, 4.48 Psychosis, De kersentuin (The cherry orchard), Platform, Urban Prayers, To name herstory and Menuet. She worked with directors Luk Perceval, Susanne Kennedy, Ivo Van Hove, Michel Schröder, Johan Simons, Peter Verhelst, Wim Opbrouck, Julie Van den Berghe, Marijke Pinoy, Jan Steen, Florian Fischer, Yahya Terryn and Liliane Brakema. She can also be seen in a number of films (including Retrospekt and Nocturne) and television series.

Wildemeersch is also a talented musician; she plays piano, cello, harp and accordion. Recently she performed at NTGent in Yellow (2021), the second part of the trilogy The Sorrows of Belgium by resident director Luk Perceval.

In season 22-23 Wildemeersch is a guest at NTGent with her first own creation Jackie, based on the character of the virtuoso British cellist Jacqueline du Pré.

- update June 2022

Lien Wildemeersch

There's all that future, still Only humans can fantasise With closed eyes, you can see whomever you’d like Until it holds from the inside Beyond madness, tenderness awaits