Joppe Tanghe | NTGent
Img 2418 Druk C Michiel Devijver

Joppe Tanghe (born 27 October 1992 in Ghent) is a musician, including in the band ONS, together with Joris Vergaert, with whom he won the Jonge Wolven (Young Wolves) competition in 2012. In recent years, Tanghe toured with the project Sophia Ammann plays Leonard Cohen. He is also part of Tigerhorse, a trio with Pieter and Jonas De Meester, and the band Soapstarter.

Since July 2022 Tanghe can be seen in ONE SONG - Histoire(s) du Théâtre IV, a performance of Miet Warlop & NTGent that will premiere at Festival d'Avignon.

-- update July 2022

Joppe Tanghe

With closed eyes, you can see whomever you’d like Beyond madness, tenderness awaits Until it holds from the inside There's all that future, still Only humans can fantasise