Bavo Buys | NTGent

Bavo Buys (°1998, they / them) is an actor and theatre-maker who combines physicality with sharp linguistics, both in English and Dutch. Bavo will graduate from KASK & Conservatory School of Arts (Drama) later this year. Graduation performance Planet Winter is based on The Left Hand of Darkness by Ursula K. Le Guin. Bavo first appeared in Paradise Now (1968-2018) by Michiel Vandevelde and fABULEUS. Together with Matilde Casier and Fiene Zasada, Bavo is in the musical intervention collective De Miserabeln. Last year, Bavo also starred in Up Your Ass by Lieselot Siddiki and Nona Demey Gallagher.

Bavo Buys

Until it holds from the inside Only humans can fantasise With closed eyes, you can see whomever you’d like There's all that future, still Beyond madness, tenderness awaits