An Miller | NTGent
An Miller C Michiel Devijver

An Miller graduated from Studio Herman Teirlinck in 1996. She played with the Blauwe maandag Compagnie, Nieuwpoorttheater, Het Paleis, Bronks, DAS theater, De roovers en de enthousiasten and NTGent.

An also played for films Dagen zonder lief by Felix Van Groeningen, Loft by Eric van Looy, and Tot altijd by Nick Balthazar.  In addition to film, she also played in various TV series such as In de gloria, Het eiland, De ronde, Callboys, Salamander and #hetisingewikkeld.

This season An Miller is in the production Family by Milo Rau together with her husband and children.

- update May 2019

An Miller

Until it holds from the inside Beyond madness, tenderness awaits There's all that future, still Only humans can fantasise With closed eyes, you can see whomever you’d like