Abigail Abraham | NTGent
Abigail Abraham Img 7551 Druk C Michiel Devijver

Abigail Abraham is an actor, singer and presenter.

In previous years, she starred in theatre productions such as De Fietsendief (MartHA!tentatief/Toneelhuis/Zuidpool), Waarom Het Kind In De Polenta Kookt (De Maan), Futur Simple (De Maan), Woesj (4hoog), Cantina (Laika) and Bravo! Meneer Bruegel (Laika).

Abraham also played several (guest) roles in national television series and will be appearing soon in feature films Spider In The Web (Eran Riklis) and Kom Hier Dat Ik U Kus (Sabine Lubbe Bakker & Niels van Koevorden).

During the 1920 season she will perform in her(e).

- update June 2019

Abigail Abraham

Only humans can fantasise With closed eyes, you can see whomever you’d like Until it holds from the inside Beyond madness, tenderness awaits There's all that future, still