What message would Jesus preach if he were alive today? In The New Gospel, voted Documentary of the Year in Switzerland, Milo Rau and his team return to the origins of the gospel.
As a theatre maker, Milo Rau is out to change the world. That's why he also travels to the hotbeds of the world. In Mosul (Iraq) Rau stages his version of the Greek tragedy Oresteia.
In his trilogy, The Journey Into Europe's Heart of Darkness, director Luk Perceval zooms in on dark passages from Belgium's past. In Yellow, he tackles the Flemish collaboration during WWII.
Samuel is 15 when he flees Eritrea. Upon arrival in Europe, he is traumatised by the horrors he endured during his flight, but his ordeal is far from over. Theatre maker Lara Staal made a powerful short film based on Samuel's story.
In the midst of the Covid 19-crisis, Milo Rau made a cinema version of his breathtaking drama on the suicide of the French Demeester family. The family is played by the famous actor couple An Miller and Filip Peeters, and their two teenage daughters.
What are you looking for?
Until it holds from the insideThere's all that future, stillWith closed eyes, you can see whomever you’d likeBeyond madness, tenderness awaitsOnly humans can fantasise